Piano Lesson 1

  1.Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti Do

  2.Keys of the Piano

  3.Notes and Counts

  4.Finger Exercises

Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti Do

Each note is sung higher than the previous note in this fashion

If you have seen the movie “Sound of Music” you know what you are singing. If you don’t, then listen to this.

Keys of the Piano

In music we use only seven alphabets to read music they are A, B, C, D, E, F, G

1.     The keyboard is divided into black and white keys. The black keys appear in sets of two and three.
2.     First we need to find the center of the keyboard. To do that count the number of two black key sets from either side and settle on the center one. If you have two in the center then you can use either.
3.     Now the white key between the set of two black keys is D. The white key before D is C and after D is E.
4.     The white keys below the set of three black keys are F, G, A and B. After B there is again C and so on.

5.     As you move to the left of the Piano the keys have a low pitched sound
6.     As you move to the right side of the piano, the keys get more high pitched.
7.     You can practice Do Re Mi singing by pressing the keys C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C one after the other.

Notes and Counts

Music has a language. It is read in different notes. Notes are just special characters that tell you how long to play the particular note.

1.     Whole note: It gets 4 counts. Means when you play this note then count till four. It looks like this.

2.     Dotted Half Note: It looks like a half note with a dot. It gets 3 counts.

3.     Half Note: It gets 2 counts. It looks like a whole note with a stem facing up or down.

4.     Quarter Note: Looks like a colored half note with the oval darkened in. It gets 1 count.



Clap and count notes
1.     Whole notes: Clap on one and the count ahead to two three and four.
2.     Dotted half note: Clap on one and count two and three.
3.     Half notes: Clap on one and count till two.
4.     Quarter note: Clap and count on one.


A bar is a measure of time with respect to beats. The number of beats in each bar is specified at the beginning. In the picture below it is 4/4 means there are 4 beats (claps) in 4 seconds.
Clap and count the following:

{Answer: Clap at each note since it’s a quarter note so all get 1 count. So go like One (clap) two (clap) three (clap) four (clap). One (clap) two (clap) three (clap) four (clap)}



Finger Exercises:

While playing on a piano your fingers are numbered as
To play the following place your right hand thumb on middle C and finger 2 on D and RH3 (right hand finger 3) on E, RH 4 on F and RH5 on G
Place LH5 on a C to the left of the middle C. LH 1 should come on G.

First play the following with right hand then the left hand and then both hands. It is a bit difficult at first as our natural instinct is to be symmetric and use both thumbs together instead of thumb of one hand and pinky of the other.

After playing the above play this with your RH1 on C to RH5 on G and LH2 on G

Practice DoReMi
Learn Piano keys and name of keys
Do finger exercises with claps and counts
Practice Brother John

Time 13:55 14th Feb
Happy valentines day to my soulmate boyfriend who is the best and has always been there for me, and to everyone else!
So today I have a very busy day. Tomorrow is my cousins wedding and so I need to remove hand hair, iron my clothes and straighten my hair!
Around an hour ago my mother felt faintish. It's because of the hair colour and steam in the bathroom. She thinks its something serious. Whatever it be. If you feel faintish then first lie down and make sure no one is blocking your air. Take qucik breaths to get more oxygen in the system. Have a little of sweet or sugar water or best lemonade!

Time 17:17
My sister who is moving out to a new room got her wardrobe yesterday. With her new bed. I don't understand why she needs it. Or why only she gets it. Isn't it unfair to us? My parents do have a blind spot for her.
Tomorrow is my cousin's wedding so I won't be posting this article tomorrow but day after.
I practised piano today. I like it a lot.
I try to sing do re mi but its a bit confusing for me. As in something I get it right but sometimes I go like high pitched till Fa and then lower pitch for Sol La Ti Do. Need to practise on that.
Your lessons will come so soon guys please remember to practise well. 
Time 11:49
Today 13th Feb is my piano class. OMG. it starts at 1500hrs so I still have a lot of time.
I am super nervous!
Anyway I didn't go to college today as I couldn't get up early. Then our domestic help didn't come today so we did all the house work ourselves.
I found my black pants! Thank gods. I am super nervous. Anyway whatever I learn today, I will make a lesson on it which will be available to you guys within a week. I have classes every week. So that way even if you guys want to learn you can get classes every week.

Time 23:05
Hey guys. So my piano class was AWESOME. I love our teacher. She is so sweet. Also there are two other girls in the class with me.
So when I went there today I was almost going to puke from anxiety. But luckily I held it in. Also I accidentally thought that one of the students was the teacher. Yeah. Anyway so we learnt a lot in one class. I will be uploading my lesson plan by next week. Hopefully tomorrow. But if you want to become a master then please practise all week OK.
Anyway after coming back I practised on a baby piano I had. Soon I will go back to the class only to practise.
All the best everyone!
Also today my sisters new closet arrived. With her new bed. In her new room. I am so jealous of her. But its alright. Cause I also have so many things and I should learn to be happy with them and not jealous of the things I don't have or need.

Anyway have a good day/night/afternoon/evening. Share or comment on this article if u liked it. Thank you. 
Time 16:41
Hey guys. Today is 12th february. So what I did today. Got up at seven and got ready and left for college. The fist lecture today at seven was advertising so we didn't attend. But luckily our hairy professor (hairy because he doesn't have the decency to button up till his neck and hence revealing all this weird chest hair) didn't come today!
After college we were suppose to go for deadpool 10:15 show. So I had to quickly have some upma which I hate but ate it only because its gluten free.
We went to PVR and got our mobile tickets scanned and sat in the audi waiting for the movie to start. As always it started late. But it was really a nice movie. Never laughed so much. Except one college friend sitting besides me was super irritating and SUPER loud. When I say loud I mean as loud as your friend in a concert screaming un your ears thinking that you can't hear them because of the music. Ok she was REALLY loud. Accepted. But then why the hell was she shushing everyone else who were hooting? That screams hypocrisy. Get it?

So after the really hilarious movie I realised a few things. The movie was good but the plot was OK. The jokes were hilarious and also that popcorn is more expensive than the ticket.

So after the movie I come home to have my lunch and I don't know why I just find my eldest sister so irritating. I love her. But she is irritating. Then after lunch I go to the bed. Message my boyfriend and then dose off to sleep. After getting up I find out my moms got some samosas from the market. So supportive she is about my diet.
So I had to skip the samosa. But I had these delicious small spring rolls. Wrapped in wanton wrappers. I hope they were gluten free.
Oh yeah tomorrow is my piano class and I am super nervous. I mean thinking about it now I am like AHHHHHHHHHH. OK breathe. I will just message the head about class confirmation.

Time 20:48
Shit can't find those black pants with zip for tomorrow. I am so nervous! And guess what. I was having dinner when my mom told me call your sister to tell her to come for dinner and I called her it was switched off. When she came back she is BLOODY HITTING (then I hit her back) me and saying I should answer my phone! When I check my phone I bad calls from an unknown number AT THAT TIME I was taking a bath! And she bloody well knows it. I hate her. I hope she learns her lesson!

Time 22:45
I patched up with my sister. She got me.two chocolates but I am not going to eat them at this hour especially. Goodnight everyone!
Time 17:58, 11th february
Today I didn't go for the first two lectures of college as second lecture was advertising and I hate advertising.(Not the subject but the professor).
We attended the next two lectures that was FC (foundational course) and accounts.
I don't really like my friends from college because they are really judgemental. They act so desperate. And there is this other girl, she is a bit... dim witted (I don't mean to be rude but she is), so these other people who i sit with behave so badly with her. AS IF THEY ARE PERFECT. And there is this one woman who behaves as if the world revolves around her. I don't like her cause she is so dominating. I just don't know how to stay away from her because she and my sister are best friends. She keeps on talking about herself all the damn time. For the purpose of anonymity, we will name her... hmm PRESSURISER. Ok I hope the spelling is right. The reason that I love talking to you guys is because you are willing to consider that other people have opinions.
Anyway today after college my sisters and I were suppose to go to get our eyebrows done. somehow that got postponed after lunch. And when we went to the parlour SURPRISE everyone was on lunch. That is why we went to this new parlour called diana. They suck guys. Don't ever go there. She almost ripped my eyebrows (now I have a small patch there) and they charged us with a bill of 150. For eyebrows only! plus 50 for upper lip for one person.
Don't ever get your upper lip hair removed by anyone. I have ordered a hair removing spring also called wand. Search it online, see the reviews and order it. You will never need to pay the parlours for doing it!
I am working on some articles about technology on my other website cuta.info
If you have any suggestions about technology articles then please let me know.

After eyebrowing, we went to collect our sister's blouse from the seamstress. They refused to alter it as the blouse had a lot of work on it and hey would havve to break the work to alter. My sister is so moody she was upset and when we came home she blamed mom for it? Grow up!
So what I did is that I told her I will alter it for you. Go wear it now so I know how much to stitch up. I will only do it for mom.

Also I am very embarrassed. I had little puri (puri means a small biscuit like thing made from white flour). I was supposed to go gluten free! what do I do? Please help.
There is pav Bhaji for dinner. Its a delicious dish with a mashed cooked gravy-ish vegetable and bread (pav). I am not having it though. I am having soup or nothing else.

Time 19:something
So I stitched my sister's blouse. Fits her perfectly. Honestly she could have stitched it herself. God knows what goes on in her head. But I love her very much. Today only she was showing me a video about two small brothers and one of them is an infant. So the elder of the two takes care of the infant and refuses to give his mother the baby. It was so damn CUTE.

Next day!
I fall asleep every time! So I decided to update yesterday's post today. That's what I will do for all my posts now.
Anyway I had spinach soup yesterday. It was good.
Time 6:49
I am about to leave for college.

Time 10:19
College was a mess today. Only happiness I got was from listening to "If I could fly" song by one direction.
My today's plan is completing some articles. No wheat today. I lost 3 kgs on scale just by not eating wheat but shit I had wheat yesterday.

Time 19:53
So today was a rush afternoon! Me and my sisters made a detox drink with cucumber and mint. 

Then they coerced me into downloading candy crush jelly. Which I don't want to play. But I still am. I reached level 10. And stuck there. But my sister informed me about getting unlimited life by changing the date and time on your phone.
My mother is going for some anniversary of their cousin. My father was supposed to go with her but he got some work. I always find it unjust how mom always goes out when my father wants to. And my father always cancels plans when mother wants to.
So we got my mother dressed. And then had some tea and then watermelon.
Now just had dinner and thought to keep you all updated.
Oh also read Sherlock fanfiction whenever got time. I just love BBC Sherlock. Can't wait for its new episode. It takes years to come. Heard a rumor that there is Tom Hiddleston in it :O

Time next day
Sorry guys forgot to post on time. I was really tired and sleepy yesterday!
Today is 9th February. 12:33pm.
I have decided I will write all the events of the day in a single post and then post it at night.
So today I got up at 7:05am. My college starts at 7am. But since first lecture was advertising (in which we easily get proxy) I didn't attend. Oh attendance. I forgot to tell you guys. In my college the attendance norms are compulsory 75% overall and 50% per subject. People just attend for attendance.
Anyway. In college today we were studying about Kaizen. I remember reading about it in our syllabus. Our professor had gotten Kaizen written in Japanese (since its a Japanese term) and asked us to guess what's written. I said its Kaizen and now people think I know Japanese.
In college met an old school friend. When I say friend…. She told me that she passed both groups CA level 2. I was like super shocked. Knowing her, I doubt she will be able to handle the pressure. Still I was a little jealous of her.
But when I told her I failed and that I won't be reappearing again, she told me that she was jealous. Of me!
I mean WHY THE HELL are you doing something you don't want to?
I didn't tell her that of course.

Time 15:11.
I am trying to go gluten free since the last two days. I didn't even have the delicious brownie covered in chocolate. But my resolution is weakening. There is burger for dinner. I am thinking of having one burger and some fries. Not my usual one and half burger. Motivation is so hard to come by especially when there is burger for dinner. 

Had dinner and ate one burger. One. But had a few fries in cheese which I bought today. I also bought a primer and a baby lips orange candy. Felt very good to shop with my elder sister. Surprisingly she is fun to hangout with. She is generous and kind and so loving.

Now. I need to stop having wheat. I hope I am successful tomorrow at least.

Time 22:32
Guess what. A random school friend called me. She was really sweet. She explained me her siblings project and then talked about wheat and its effects and then I made her realise white flour is also processed wheat! Surprise!
Then she asked about college tuitions.

Vipa is the best pianist in whole world
When I gave career tests I got C personality. It means a Creator.
I don't want to study finance or accountancy and get a desk job. While getting a good placement in a good company might be the dream of many. It isn't mine.
It's my parents.
I guess they worry about me and my sister. What will we do if we don't follow the herd?
Will they support me if I tell them that I want to pursue my career in music? Become a pianist? Or will they pressurise me to do something I don't want. Just so they can know that I can earn on my own and stand on my own feet.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Vipa. I am in my second year of college and pursuing Bachelor's in Commerce.
I am a mummy's pet. It's simply because I love her a lot. That's why it's difficult telling her about myself. I am scared I will disappoint her. I know I know I should tell her. But its difficult. And now isn't the right time.
I failed my CA (Chartered Accountancy) second level IPCC the second time. It's not really a big deal as in CA so many people fail and reappear again and again. But my parents are not patient! They want us to pass in a single go.
My sister and I told them, if we will appear for another attempt then the result would be similar. It's because CA is not something we wish to pursue.
We all born and die. We live for such a. Short span. Like guests on earth. I don't think I should be doing something like a desk job in this time I have.

So now since Saturday my first piano class will start. I am little scared cause I am a little socially shy and awkward. But best of luck to me!

I write here about my Pinao lessons, Please come and join with my blog.