A Very Overwhelming Day

Today is 9th February. 12:33pm.
I have decided I will write all the events of the day in a single post and then post it at night.
So today I got up at 7:05am. My college starts at 7am. But since first lecture was advertising (in which we easily get proxy) I didn't attend. Oh attendance. I forgot to tell you guys. In my college the attendance norms are compulsory 75% overall and 50% per subject. People just attend for attendance.
Anyway. In college today we were studying about Kaizen. I remember reading about it in our syllabus. Our professor had gotten Kaizen written in Japanese (since its a Japanese term) and asked us to guess what's written. I said its Kaizen and now people think I know Japanese.
In college met an old school friend. When I say friend…. She told me that she passed both groups CA level 2. I was like super shocked. Knowing her, I doubt she will be able to handle the pressure. Still I was a little jealous of her.
But when I told her I failed and that I won't be reappearing again, she told me that she was jealous. Of me!
I mean WHY THE HELL are you doing something you don't want to?
I didn't tell her that of course.

Time 15:11.
I am trying to go gluten free since the last two days. I didn't even have the delicious brownie covered in chocolate. But my resolution is weakening. There is burger for dinner. I am thinking of having one burger and some fries. Not my usual one and half burger. Motivation is so hard to come by especially when there is burger for dinner. 

Had dinner and ate one burger. One. But had a few fries in cheese which I bought today. I also bought a primer and a baby lips orange candy. Felt very good to shop with my elder sister. Surprisingly she is fun to hangout with. She is generous and kind and so loving.

Now. I need to stop having wheat. I hope I am successful tomorrow at least.

Time 22:32
Guess what. A random school friend called me. She was really sweet. She explained me her siblings project and then talked about wheat and its effects and then I made her realise white flour is also processed wheat! Surprise!
Then she asked about college tuitions.


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